
Sale of the largest private sanatorium complex in the Czech Republic

HotelMini hotelOperating enterprise

Sale of 100% of shares .


Price: 0
Country: Czech republic

Due to the fact that the sanatorium complex for sale is the largest in the Czech Republic, is active, occupies a dominant position in the market of one of the most significant cities – resorts in the Czech Republic, the sale of the sanatorium complex is carried out confidentially.

This offer indicates only the general characteristics of the sanatorium complex for sale. More detailed information can be obtained from our company after making an application and signing a non-disclosure agreement by a potential buyer of the confidential information received.

Indications for spa treatment

  • Sources of alkali and sulfur mineral water, glandular therapeutic mud and natural gas are used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases and infertility, as well as for the rehabilitation of patients who have had heart attacks.
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease, heart failure, postinfarction, hypertension
  • gynecological diseases: adnexitis, metritis, inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs, problems of the climacteric period, conditions after gynecological operations, infertility treatment, pediatric gynecological diseases
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: metabolic diseases with joint damage, vertebral algitic syndrome (back pain), painful functional disorders of the spine, post-traumatic conditions of the musculoskeletal system and conditions after orthopedic operations, deforming arthrosis, arthritis without inflammation, juvenile scoliosis, rheumatism (including children's) and its consequences
  • metabolic disorders and endocrine glands: obesity, gout, constipation, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia

The main characteristics of the sanatorium complex

The private spa complex for sale is the largest in the Czech Republic.

The complex includes the following main facilities:

  • 9 newly reconstructed existing sanatoriums,
  • the largest resort akavpark,
  • fitness & wellness center,
  • three balneocenters
  • customer information center
  • in total, the company owns 95 resort buildings (including auxiliary buildings) and 159 plots of land in the city center
  • several more sanatorium houses are being prepared for opening

The total operating number of rooms of sanatoriums is designed for 2000 residents, and also prepare for the opening of another room for 2500 people.

All objects of the sanatorium complex are located in the heart of the resort area, many of them belong to the dominant of the city.

Price and detailed information in the agency

Note: the photos are for illustrative purposes only and are not relevant to the subject of sale
