
Sale of a large modern printing house in Prague from bankruptcy auction

Operating enterprise

Sale of a printing house from bankruptcy auction.


Price: 14 000 000 €
Praha Region:
Country: Czech republic

The printing association Česká Unigrafie, a. s. is one of the largest companies in the Czech Republic.

The company Česká Unigrafie, a.s. was founded in 1994 by the association of printing houses Česká typografie Praha and UNI GRAFIA, a.s.

The production program is aimed at printing magazines, brochures, catalogs, books in soft and hardcovers, advertising materials on offset paper of any quality.

The total assets of the company in 2009 amounted to 1.404.000.000, CZK, in 2010 CZK.

Causes of bankruptcy

In the pre-crisis period, the company widely used medium- and long-term bank loans and equipment leasing to modernize and expand its own production. In 2008, with the advent of the crisis, the volume of orders fell sharply. If in 2007 the company's turnover was 1.612.000.000. CZK, then in 2008 fell to Czech crowns. At the same time, interest on bank loans and equipment leasing remained at the same pre-crisis level.

In 2009 and 2010, the company carried out a comprehensive restructuring in order to increase productivity and optimize expenditure items for logistics, transport and personnel. Layoffs were made from 394 employees in 2008 to 265 employees in 2011. Some unprofitable and low-margin assets of the company were sold. The company's turnover in 2011 is 880.000.000 CZK.

However, measures for financial recovery were carried out by the company's management with a delay, and the burden of bank loans was so high that the company was out of schedule for repaying loans and was unable to fulfill financial obligations to other creditors.

On June 14, 2012, the company was declared bankrupt.

Assessment of the level of competition in bankruptcy bidding: high

Transaction price: 14 000 000 Euro – preliminary assessment by experts. The sale price is subject to change. Currently, the bankruptcy trustee is compiling a list of the bankrupt's property, which will then be evaluated by a forensic expert. Based on this assessment, the council of creditors will establish a minimum bid price.

Bidding form: submission of closed envelopes with bids of the purchase price. The winner is the offer with the highest price.

Real estate

A large production and warehouse complex located in the district of Prague-9.

A detailed description of the property is provided at the written request of a potential buyer.


Rotary printing: Six four-color offset rotary machines KBA Compacta 215, Heidelberg M 600 B24, Heidelberg WEB 16W, KBA Compacta 918 Flat offset printing – modern multi-color Printing Machines Heidelberg of various modifications. Six-section Heidelberg Speedmaster CD102-6+LX3 with varnishing and drying. Die-cutting Varimatrix 105 CS and KLUGE EHD.

Binding: Müller Martini, Stichmaster ST 300.1 HEIDELBERG 8. HEIDELBERG TFU 78, 2/4-4-4-RF-N, CORONA C12 line, HEIDELBERG TD 112 Topline Electronic editing cycle with workflow Agfa ApogeeX Systém Agfa Apogee Portal Production and test printing with CTP technology on Agfa – EPSON 7800, GMG – Epson 4000. Image Processing: Mac G4, G5, Art pro

Form preparation: Workflow Agfa ApogeeX, Avalon LF formátu B1+Platemanager, Avalon45 XT formátu B1+Platemanager, automat Elantrix SX95, automat MERCURY V6, Xcalibur VLF, Lüscher Xpose 180, Autolith TP1, Agfa 044E, Xcalibur 45 S

  • One of the largest printing companies in the Czech market, which has a stable market share and regular customers
  • Excellent condition of the production complex and real estate located in Prague
  • Modern, recently purchased and modernized equipment of the printing house will allow the new owner not to worry about the modernization of production for a long time.
  • Operating production and in bankruptcy conditions – there is no need to recruit new technical and engineering personnel
  • The printing house has never worked with customers from the CIS countries – there is an opportunity to significantly expand the market for products.
  • Lack of modern printing facilities in Russia with specialization in high-quality products
  • Acquisition of an enterprise completely cleared of debts in the framework of bankruptcy at a price 2-3 times lower than the market price
  • The existence of a team of specialists, craftsmen, technologists, middle management ready to continue working with the new owner
  • The possibility of attracting cheap bank loans to finance the economic activities of the enterprise