Note: Due to the fact that the company being sold is a large operating enterprise, the sale process provides for confidentiality and gradual disclosure of information.
More detailed information about the company being sold, inspection of the plant and negotiations with the owners can be carried out only after we receive an official application of a potential buyer for disclosure of information.
For a potential buyer, we provide a full range of free consulting services related to the acquisition of these assets. Our provisions are paid by the seller.
General characteristics of the company for sale
For about 100 years, the company has been manufacturing and supplying complete lines and technological equipment for bottling beverages and other liquids into glass bottles of all kinds, PET bottles, cans and barrels. During its existence, the company has created its own know-how in the field of production and supply of equipment for breweries, dairy plants, bottling plants for non-alcoholic beverages, distilleries and wineries, manufacturers of edible vegetable oils, etc.
The manufacturer has a well-known international brand in this segment of production and is the largest manufacturer of this type of equipment in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.
The company is known for supplying its equipment and technologies to both major and medium-sized manufacturers around the world.
A special place in the export of products is occupied by the countries of the former USSR, where in recent years large deliveries of equipment to the largest manufacturers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products have been carried out and continue to be carried out.
Exports account for about 80%.
The products comply with all existing international standards, including GOST.
The company’s products are distinguished by high quality, the use of the latest technologies and developments at a reasonable price of the final product, which contributes to increasing competitiveness and constant growth in demand.
- High-capacity glass lines up to 60,000 bottles per hour of various formats
- “PET” lines of high capacity up to 35 000 bottles per hour of various formats
- Lines “tin cans” of high performance
- A full range of auxiliary equipment: bottle washing machines, beverage manufacturers, mixers, syrup stations, conveyors, packaging machines and lines, KEG lines, labeling and much more.
- Equipment for the manufacture of PET bottles
Production base
- The total area of production halls and premises: up to 20,000 m2.
- Plant land area: up to 30 000 m2
All production and administrative buildings are in good technical condition.
Currently, production is fully loaded with orders
General economic characteristics of the company being sold
Average turnover for the last 5 years: up to 20 000 000 euros
Currently, the company’s economy is in a good stable state with trends for further development.
Total assets – more than 17 000 000 euros
- Tangible fixed assets: more than 7 000 000 euros
- Current assets: EUR 10,000,000
The assets of the enterprise are not encumbered by pledges
Liabilities – about 9 000 000 euros
The company’s liabilities are in a normal healthy range in accordance with the current production activities.
- A significant part of the liabilities consists of equity, advances on concluded contracts, purchase of raw materials, components and materials with deferred payments.
- There are no hidden financial obligations
- No overdue financial obligations
Number of employees: 200-300
The format of the transaction and the activities of the enterprise after the change of ownership
The subject of sale is 100% of the shares
Share price: 4 100 000 EUR
Reason for the sale: the plant is a non-core asset for the largest shareholder who is the initiator of the sale.
The top management of the company is ready to continue its work after the change of ownership.
The purity of the transaction, the absence of hidden financial and legal obligations is guaranteed by the process of gradual transfer of management in accordance with the agreement and legal mechanisms and norms provided for in the European Union