
Sale of an operating company with a 20-year history working in the field of sale and installation of measuring and control systems – for its further revitalization

Small business (up to 1 million EUR)

Sale of 100% stake in s.r.o. (LLC).


Price: 30 000 €
Country: Czech republic

For a potential buyer, we provide a full range of free consulting services related to the acquisition of these assets. Our provisions and services are paid by a Czech seller.

General characteristics of the company for sale

The company for sale has a 20-year history of work on the market of the Czech Republic in the field of production, sale and installation of measuring systems, control systems, regulation, heating and electronic security systems.

Main specialization and activities

Measuring and Control Systems (BMS)

  • Heating systems
  • Plumbing and sewerage systems, wastewater treatment plants, Parshall trays
  • Energy – regulation of consumption of four-hour electricity peaks. Power
  • Industrial Automation
  • Computer control systems for instruments and data transmission
  • Custom software for data visualization, collection and processing

Supply, reconstruction and repair of heating systems

  • Boiler houses, power transmission and distribution stations
  • Air conditioning and ventilation systems
  • Application with warm-water fireplace inserts, heat pumps, solar systems

Sale of pumps and pumping systems WILO, EMU and Salmson

  • For heating and cooling
  • Sanitary and technical
  • For water supply, sewerage and pumping stations
  • Automatic pressure stations (ANS)

Electronic security systems

  • Surveillance and Archiving Video Systems – Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
  • Electronic Security Systems (ESS)
  • Electronic Fire Extinguishing Systems (EPS)
  • Access cards, attendance and credit systems
  • Technologies for EBS computer systems and data transmission

Low voltage systems

  • Computer networks and structured cabling systems
  • Home phones and video phones
  • Industrial voice acting and fire broadcasting
  • Antenna and Satellite Systems (STA)
  • PC technology for low-voltage systems and data transmission

The company carries out pre-design consulting, design work, including the supply and installation of systems and equipment in accordance with the project, installation, installation supervision and commissioning.

In the process of operation of the delivered systems, the company carries out current service and repair.

The company focused first on the TRONIC 2000 system – manufactured by Tronic Ltd. These systems are convenient for users, which became possible due to the free control of programming stations with the ability to customize the needs of the program.

Legal form: s.r.o. – společnost s ručením omezeným (analogue of LLC)
Owners of shares in LLC: Czech individual – 100%
Location: Prague.
Region of activity: Czech Republic


The origins of the company begin in 1996, when the company was founded by three individuals – specialists in the field of measuring equipment and control systems, and in 1997 they were joined by another Czech partner.

During its activity, the company has implemented several dozen major projects, such as the Sparta Prague Stadium, the largest manufacturer of medicines Lechiva, the Slavia Prague swimming pool, the Nouak Academy of the Czech Republic, Batya, the Mercury Business Center, the famous Dancing House, as well as hundreds of small projects.

Currently, the company is owned by a Czech natural person, who is also a director of the company.

References in the field of measuring systems and heating

  • TVIN Modletice, EZS, EPS, CCTV
  • Praga Praha a.s., projekt MaR+elektro, rekonstrukce závodu
  • Slavia Praha – plavecké sporty, celk. rekonstrukce VS a ohřevu bazénu, 2 x VZT
  • Vulkan Hrádek nad Nisou, zabezpečení plynové kotelny
  • AVČR, 14 x rekonstrukce MaR VS, 1 x monitoring elektroměry,1xkomplet. rekonstrukce VS, Velín PC,
  • ICAS Lišany, VZT,EZS
  • ZŠ Balabenka, 2 x rekonstrukce VS+elektro
  • Silicon Grafics Praha, klimatizace kanceláří, počítačová síť
  • LÉČIVA a.s., VZT ve VS, Ing. Máša, tel. 607628363
  • Sparta Praha, fotbalový stadion, MaR VS ohřevu trávníku,
  • Bytový dům SVBJ Chodovická, P-9, plynová kotelna – kompletní dodávka,
  • Bytový dům Dáblická ul., Praha 8, MaR v kotelně
  • Gymnázium Pernerova, P-8, MaR pro VZT školní kuchyně
  • Gymnázium Nad Kavalírkou, P-5, MaR pro VZT školní kuchyně
  • MP SERVIS, Davídkova, P-8, MaR výměníkové stanice
  • Baťa, a.s., P-1, Jindřišská, plynová kotelna – kompletní dodávka,
  • Jídelna Štefánikova, P-5, MaR pro VZT a kotelnu
  • ČVUT, areál loděnice, MaR kotelna
  • OK. TRANS Praha, Chýně, 5 x MaR VZT, kotelny, zachlaz., 2xPC velín, IRC,
  • ČVUT FD, P-1, klimatizace PC učeben, VZT, půdní vestavba – strojovna, kompletní dodávka
  • ZŠ Plzeňská, P-5, MaR VS a VZT,
  • Chiquita, sklad Atlanta P-10, kotelna,
  • Borgis a.s., strojovna topení v tiskárně Neotypia, VZT, IRC, vytápění
  • ČMFS, Fotbal Trading, Kozí 7,P-1, kotelna,
  • Mercury Business Center, OKIN Facility, MaR, Ing. Popelka,
  • Rekonstrukce domu Argentinská 18, voda, plyn, odpad, elektro, slabo, topení,
  • Rekonstrukce MaR budovy Vodafonu Na Vinici,
  • Rekonstrukce vily pí Barini, Zbraslav, topení, MaR, slaboproudy,
  • MaR, ÚT a TUV kotelna +IRC regulace, palác Štefánikova 23,
  • IRC Eucon s.r.o.
  • MaR pro VZT, TČ, kotelnu pro Vodafonu a.s., Jažlovice

References in the field of electronic safety systems and low-voltage systems

  • ERMOKING Czech republik s. s r.o. – VÚChT – pobočka Praha, EZS, protipožární zabezpečení
  • ČVUT, fakulta dopravní, CCTV, EZS, protipožární zabezpečení
  • Směnárna U Starého hřbitova 4, P-1, EZS, CCTV, PABX, SCS, PA
  • Bytový dům Dáblická ul., Praha 8, STA a satelit
  • MERKURIA, P-7, požární rozhlas, část EZS, CCTV
  • Velkokapacitní garáže ABO servis Opatov, P-4, CCTV, ACS
  • Neotypia a.s., ACS, EZS, CCTV
  • Administrativní budova Osadní 12, P-7, CCTV, ACS
  • Moris s.r.o., EZS, ACS
  • Aralsa s.r.o., EZS, ACS
  • FAGOR Gastro s.r.o., EZS, slaboproud
  • Mototechna a.s., skladová hala, EZS
  • Tančící dům, ACS
  • Ligna a.s., CCTV
  • Asecco, ACS, CCTV
  • Hlivická ul. – ACS
  • Nycomed, ACS, CCTV

Competitive advantages

A great competitive advantage of the company is its references, which allow you to successfully participate in state and commercial tenders.

General economic characteristics of the company

Currently, the company's economy is unprofitable. The company's debts amount to about 700,000 CZK. The main cause of economic problems is the state of health of the owner – the director of the company.

More detailed information about the economy of the company being sold, financial statements, legal documents – at the request of a potential buyer.

The format of the transaction and the activities of the enterprise after the change of ownership

The subject of the sale is 100% of the shares in a limited liability company (s.r.o.)

Price: by agreement of the parties.

The following options may be considered:

  1. The new owner, buying the company for a small amount, will further repay the company's debts at the expense of internal reserves and in the process of revitalizing the company.
  2. From the amount received for the sale of shares in the company, the existing debts of the company will be partially or fully repaid and the company will pass to the new owners "net" without debts or with significantly less debt.

The current director of the company is ready to continue his work after the change of ownership, but the most optimal for the seller seems to be a change in the company's management after its acquisition by the new owner. In this case, the current management of the company is ready to assist the new management (if it is interested) for a transitional period under a separate agreement with the new owner.

The purity of the transaction, the absence of hidden financial and legal obligations is guaranteed by the personal responsibility of the owners, the process of gradual transfer of management in accordance with the agreement, legal mechanisms and norms provided for in the Czech Republic.

Our services for the rehabilitation and revitalization of Czech companies

Our company has extensive experience in the rehabilitation – rehabilitation of Czech companies that are in a state of incipient or already developed financial and economic crisis.

For buyers of Czech companies intended for reorganization, we offer a full range of services that will help with maximum efficiency to capitalize the assets of the purchased company, and on the most favorable terms, with a significant discount, to buy off the company's debts from its creditors.

After the reorganization of the company, we provide full support in its stabilization and strengthening of its position in the market.

More information about our services in a special section of the site.
