
For sale an operating cosmetology salon in the city of Ostrava

Operating enterprise

Sale of 100% stake in LLC.


Price: 1 200 €
Country: Czech republic

P&M Beauty, s.r.o. was established in 2019 by two professional specialists in cosmetology and massage.

Immediately after the foundation of the company, the advanced French technology LPG® Endermologie and the LPG® apparatus for therapy and massage were acquired, and the company also received licenses for this activity.

The salon is located in a strategically attractive and convenient location in Ostrava – opposite the large FUTURUM shopping centre.

After the opening of the salon, the company also focused on unique wellness treatments using molecular hydrogen to rejuvenate the body and combat oxidative stress. Massage has also been added, which fights body pain with special massage techniques, optimizing painful or tense conditions of the spine.

All initial investments were made by the owners of the company from their own funds.

LPG® Endermologie technology and LPG® machine are leased.

Due to the pandemic and the introduction of restrictive quarantine measures and several lockdowns by the Czech government, from 2020 to the present, the salon has been working intermittently and extremely irregularly.

Due to the fact that the company was new, it was unable to apply for participation in various state programs "covid" to support entrepreneurs.

During the downtime associated with the pandemic, the owners subsidized the company, rent payments and leasing from their own funds.

In the fall of 2021, due to the beginning of a new wave of the pandemic and the depletion of their own funds for subsidizing the salon, the owners decided to sell the salon for a symbolic price, provided that the new owner from his own funds will carry out the reorganization of the company and keep its course in the future.

Specialization of the company:

LPG Endermologie® Body & Face, Dermalogica® – skin therapy. Molecular-hydrogen procedures, massage.

What is LPG-massage

LPG-massage is a procedure of exposure to the skin with a special computerized apparatus, the manipulator of which consists of several massage rollers. Moving in different directions, they form a fold from the skin with the help of a vacuum and simultaneously affect it mechanically, so that the effectiveness of this procedure increases several times.

The founder of LPG-massage is the famous French engineer Louis Paul Gite, who more than 40 years ago developed a mechanical unit with rollers rotating in it.

With the help of predetermined programs, the device for such a massage independently establishes the necessary intensity of exposure to the epidermis, depending on its condition, the amount of subcutaneous fat and the necessary goals. To get rid of cellulite, the intensity can be high, and for prevention, the device can have a mild relaxing effect.

Benefits of LPG Massage

High efficiency in the fight against cosmetic ailments: cellulite, faded contours of the face and body, sagging skin, fat deposits on the body, wrinkles, stretch marks, etc. All this occurs due to a violation of blood microcirculation as a result of compression of blood vessels and capillaries. Due to the deep effect of the LPG massager on the epidermis and fat under the skin, blood flow in problem areas improves and, as a result, healthy skin elasticity is restored.

Improving the circulation of lymph, which is the main supplier of all organs and tissues in the human body. It is through the lymphatic system that all nutrients are transmitted, including those necessary for good skin condition. This improves not only the appearance, but also the general condition of the body.

Draining effect. And-because of the massage, metabolic processes improve not only in the subcutaneous layer, but also throughout the body, clamps are eliminated, which are the cause of the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, which manifests itself in the form of edema. After a few sessions of LPG-massage, the outlines of the contour of the face and figure are noticeably manifested precisely due to the "run" of the available excess fluid in the tissues.

Stimulation of the body's production of elastin and collagen fibers, which becomes possible after the improvement of metabolic processes in the body. Thus, the healing process is started from the inside, which makes the LPG massage procedure more effective compared to other cosmetic techniques.

Acceleration of tissue regeneration. Lpg-massage is not in vain recommended as a restorative agent after burns or to eliminate scars. Due to the improvement of blood circulation, injured tissues are more likely to recover, become more elastic and softer, itching disappears.

Price list for P&M Beauty

  • Package "Drainage, detox and lymphatic massage" 125 min – 1x LPG® procedure – drainage and detox (35 min) and 1x manual lymphatic massage of the whole body (80 min) = 1850 CZK
  • RELAX AND LYMPH package 125 min – 1x LPG® treatment – relaxation (35 min) and 1x manual lymphatic massage of the whole body (80 min) = 1850 CZK
  • EXTREME SPA & LYMPH Package 140 min – 1x LPG® treatment – firming, relaxing, detoxifying, restorative extreme SPA treatment (60 min) and 1x manual lymphatic massage (or your choice) = 2350 CZK
  • Package OF MERIDIANS AND LYMPH 155 min – 1x LPG® procedure – meridians – full body massage (75 min) and 1x manual lymphatic massage (80 min) = 2700 CZK

The format of the transaction and the activities of the enterprise after the change of ownership

The subject of the sale is 100% of the shares in a limited liability company (s.r.o.)

Owners waive their financial claims for investments already made.

Price: 1 euro

The new owner, buying a company, will later repay the company's debts at the expense of internal reserves and own funds.

The purity of the transaction, the absence of hidden financial and legal obligations is guaranteed by the personal liability of the owners, legal mechanisms and regulations provided for in the Czech Republic.

Prospects for the company after the change of ownership

This company and the cosmetology salon have prospects for those buyers who have a specialization in cosmetology and plan to move to the Czech Republic for permanent residence.

The company has the necessary state permits to carry out its activities, has an equipped salon in an attractive strategic location in the city of Ostrava (the third largest city in the Czech Republic after Prague and Brno), and also already has its customers.

After the change of ownership and director, today's owners are ready to assist the new owner and transfer noi-hau to him.
